History of Science, Invention & Medicine
Walking Tours in London, and Lectures Anywhere

Laurence's Walks

Find out how we got where we are today!

Unusual London Walking Tours

I am a specialist guide, writer and speaker on the extraordinary history of discovery, invention, medicine and intelligence offering unusual walking tours in London. Aimed at anyone with curiosity, they will also satisfy the science enthusiast.
'If you’re headed to London, here’s some blasphemous advice. Put the kings and queens, art museums, and Shakespeare on hold, and instead jump down a rabbit hole into London’s unparalleled history of science.'  Boston Globe 2016
My customers include Londoners, visitors, university and corporate groups, and families and friends celebrating a special occasion.

Laurence in lab
Photo: Zofia 

Your Guide

In addition to my own research I have been doing  volunteer work for some years for the curator and archivist of the Royal Institution of Great Britain and the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce respectively, great sources of knowledge and unusual stories. Find out about me.
My mission is to present a fascinating side of London, neglected by other guides. My unusual walking tours cover topics that others do not (and vice versa) offering an alternative view of the city.
Electric Fish

Your Tour

My tours can be aimed at a general or specialist audience. These walking tours in central London or in one of London's 'villages' feature attractive architecture and quiet and pleasant stretches in back streets, parks or along the water. They may include social history and the surprising evolution of London's infrastructure. There is often a humorous angle. Find a different sort of history in London.
  •     Boffins in coffins at Brompton
  •     Secret ink at Mayfair
  •     Cholera in Victorian Soho
  •     Scientific fraud at Notting Hill
  •     Dinosaur dung at Westminster
  •     An industrial heritage area at Woolwich

Science Tourism in London

Science history is global history. London is home to world famous institutions like the Royal Society (founded 1660), the Royal Institution (founded 1799), the Science Museum and the Natural History Museum. Many world famous scientists and inventors have also lived here including Charles Babbage, Charles Darwin, Michael Faraday, Alexander Fleming, Benjamin Franklin, Isaac Newton, Alan Turing and James Clerk Maxwell.

I have also taken upon myself a mission 'to make known the notable unknowns', literally hundreds of people with enjoyable life stories (bizarre and esoteric if you prefer) usually forgotten.
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